About 90% of our CO2 emissions are from electricity consumption.
Therefore, we plan to replace approximately 30% with renewable energy by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2020)
- Environmental Initiatives
Environmental Initiatives
Basic Philosophy of Nihon Seiko Co., Ltd. Group
Recognizing the importance of the environment, safety, and growth as our most important issues, our group aims for coexistence with society and a safer and more prosperous living environment.
Our basic philosophy is to continue to take on challenges with pride and unwavering determination to play a part in the creation of products that are necessary for our business.
Nippon Atomized Metal Powders Corporation Environmental Policy FY2024
- We will promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies that take biodiversity and energy conservation into consideration, and strive to provide products with less environmental impact through proactive improvement activities.
- We will strictly observe all laws, regulations, and customer requirements and will not use any products or services that involve any antisocial country or organization.
- In order to achieve our environmental objectives and targets, we will establish internal organizations and systems to ensure the beautification and safety of our plants as well as environmental conservation.
- Standards
- ISO 14001 : 2015/JIS Q 14001 : 2015
- Approval number
- ISO 14001-00029978
- Original approval
- April 1, 2021
- Organization
- Head office and Noda Plant/Tsukuba Plant
- Scope
- Manufacturing and sales of metal powders.
- Certification body
- Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited
We will promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies that take biodiversity and energy conservation into consideration, and strive to provide products with less environmental impact through proactive improvement activities.
CO2 Reduction Efforts
We are promoting measures to combat global warming and are planning to reduce CO2 emissions in our business activities.
Use of renewable energy
Promotion of energy-saving measures

We are implementing energy conservation promotion activities.
•The committee reports and shares the status of energy conservation.
•Energy-saving inspections are conducted by third-party organizations.
•LEDs for lighting are introduced.
Waste Reduction

We promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and reduce waste in our business activities.
◆Efficient use of raw materials is made. (Reduce)
◆We will create a system to share items that are not used frequently and a system to effectively utilize unwanted items. (Reuse)
◆Collect and reuse unnecessary items such as facilities and fixtures. (Reuse)
◆Cooperate in sorting and collecting waste. (Recycling)
◆Efficiently recycle by-products and used products generated. (Recycling)
We will strictly observe all laws, regulations, and customer requirements and will not use any products or services that involve any antisocial country or organization.
Compliance with Laws and Other Regulations
We use our environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015) to monitor and comply with laws and regulations and other requirements agreed to by the organization.
◆Managers are assigned to manage compliance with laws, regulations, and requirements.
◆We are cooperating in thorough implementation of green purchasing by deepening the understanding of suppliers.
Eliminate use of conflict minerals
In order to fulfill our social responsibility in procurement activities, we procure responsible raw materials without regard to illegal activities and conflict minerals. We do not use minerals mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or surrounding countries in Africa, or the 3TG (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold) defined by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), or other minerals.
Reduce Hazardous Chemical Substances
We are working to reduce the use of chemical substances that cause environmental pollution, mainly through the RoHS Directive, in order to meet internal and external requirements.
In order to achieve our environmental objectives and targets, we will establish internal organizations and systems to ensure the beautification and safety of our plants as well as environmental conservation.
Organizational Development
We have established organizations to identify issues in each field, manage targets, and report on and make improvements.
◆Managers meeting
◆Safety and health committees
◆ISO-committee, etc.
In addition, a separate project organization has been established as necessary to achieve the objectives and targets.
Recognition and reward system
We recommend improvement activities for the purpose of improving the environment, quality, and safety, and award them annually.
◆Suggestions for improvements
◆Safety and health excellence
◆Safety proposals